Love Is…

Love is boundless. What makes you think you can capture it? Why would you want to bottle it up and bind it? Why do you feel the need to grasp so tightly onto something that never runs out? Why do you fear love? When did we choose to become apathetic and lazy in love? Love... Continue Reading →

Get Into the Groove (Part Two)

A couple of days ago I wrote about the benefits of dancing, and today I’m going to concentrate on the amazing benefits of music. To me music has the ability to literally change my perspective. I once listened to a song so deeply that I nearly astral projected! It enhances whatever experience I’m having, and allows... Continue Reading →

Going With the Flow

Over the weekend I went to the Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centre in Brighton and on one of the breaks myself and two other women went to the sea front. We were very lucky with the weather because for once it wasn't a typical British day! It was the photo taken at the sea front... Continue Reading →

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